
La Salle opts out of December 12th auction for land north of I-80

By WCMY News Nov 28, 2023 | 7:16 AM

The City Council of La Salle voted 5- 4 in favor of acquiring 45 acres across from 3020 East 8th Road in Utica. A super majority is required for the bid to pass. The City will therefore leave the bidding at auction on December 12th, to private investors.

Back In 2005 the real estate was earmarked to be developed into Frontier Lodge Waterpark similar to Grand Bear Lodge in Utica. Due to various delays, by 2008, with the fall of the housing market, all plans were scuttled.

The land is currently owned by Wintrust Bank. La Salle mayor Jeff Grove wanted to make a bid, but 4 aldermen last night squashed that hope.

Mayor Grove said the city is at the mercy of whoever buys the land. The new owner may not develop it right away but just sit on it.

The city hopes the new owner has unique and creative ideas for the land. One thought was that it could be a whisky distillery and visitors center. Whatever comes of the 45 acres, whether it becomes a large alcohol-themed destination or parceled out in individual units creating a shopping court of mini-marts and a couple of gas stations, the mayor promised whoever buys the land will have the full marketing cooperation of the City of LaSalle to promote it.

The mayor stressed their goal has always been to alleviate taxes on residents of La Salle and the volume of business done by truckers and passers-through on I80 is a huge tax generator for the city.