
Ottawa Elementary may need new venue for 8th grade graduation

By WCMY News Dec 21, 2022 | 5:19 AM

The Ottawa Elementary School District is looking for a different venue for this year’s eighth grade graduation ceremony. Usually, the district would use Ottawa High School’s football field or auditorium. But the high school district is ending earlier this year because the rest of OHS is getting air conditioning. Supt. Michelle Lee says if they want to hold the ceremony at the high school, it would have to be done a week before the school year ends. Shepherd Middle School Principal Candice Tennell told the school board last night that it might be a good option for parents to have in how the graduation ceremony goes. Board Pres. Brendan Donahue discussed two options that parents could vote on in the future. But no matter what, tickets might have to be limited for families because there isn’t any other place in Ottawa that could hold as many at OHS’s football field would.

Another option the district could do is split the graduation into two ceremonies. Shepherd Middle School Principal Candice Tennell says she’s not sure about the idea.

The school board did discuss asking Marquette Academy if they would allow the district to use their football field. They also discussed setting up chairs at the football fields at Central School. Supt. Michelle Lee says 197 kids are expected to graduate, but it could be up to 200 in June. The plan is to continue to discuss different options at the next school board meeting.