State Senators Win Stoller and Sue Rezin

Local Republican state senators oppose 2024 state budget

By WCMY News May 26, 2023 | 8:57 AM

Republican St. Senators Sue Rezin and Win Stoller aren’t impressed with the 2024 state budget. Stoller says the 2024 Illinois budget isn’t balanced. He says the $50 billion being spent in the budget doesn’t account for the upcoming AFSCME worker’s contract negotiations.

The Germantown Hills Republican also says somehow the budget magically eliminates over half a billion dollars from the state’s undocumented immigrants’ healthcare program with a rule change that lowers the age of eligibility. St. Sen. Sen Rezin of Morris says this budget is one if not the biggest spending budget the state is trying to pass and still doesn’t do enough for disabled residents. She says this was a real opportunity to show the people of Illinois that their elected officials work together for their best interests.

Gov. Pritzker announced Wednesday that the budget invests in education, violence prevention, and workforce development. He says this is his fifth balanced budget since he first took office.