Jed Davis campaign photo

Jed Davis among the newcomers at legislative freshmen orientation

By WCMY News Nov 30, 2022 | 9:49 AM

Jed Davis says he’s excited about getting to work. He’ll be sworn in as the new state representative from the Illinois House 75th district on January 11th. Freshmen orientation has been going on this week.

During the freshmen orientation, the incoming legislators learn everything from where the restrooms are to how bills are passed to ethics. Davis says University of Illinois professors gave a hard, honest look at Illinois finances. He posted on Facebook that what many people call the budget deficit is called a fiscal gap in Springfield.

Davis says it’s good to be building relationships already with other representatives and representatives-elect. And he says he’s had good interactions with David Welter, whom he beat in the Republican primary in the redrawn 76th district.