Back row from left to right: Gary Wren, Adrian Wren, Derek Schaefer, Nathan Schaefer and Mayor Jim Hollenbeck. Front row from left to right: Jenny Wren and Claudia Schaefer.

Marseilles residents honored for helping woman and dogs out of burning house

By WCMY News Jun 2, 2022 | 5:30 AM

A woman on Young St. in Marseilles might not have made it out of here house back in March if it wasn’t for the help of some residents telling her it was on fire. The city of Marseilles gave out good citizen awards to five residents because of their action at Wednesday’s meeting. The fire happened on March 26th around four in the afternoon.

Resident Gary Wren explains what happened. He says he and his wife were leaving his wife’s cousins house and smelled smoke. His wife Jenny saw that the front of the house was on fire.

His wife Jenny says after the woman and dogs were out, she called 911 and went to the house.

The other residents that were recognized include Commissioner Nathan Schaefer and family members Adrian and Claudia Schaefer. Gary Wren also says Commissioner Schaefer’s older brother Derek did the smart thing by trying to put the fire out by using a garden hose before the fire department showed up.

Mayor Jim Hollenbeck says when the fire department showed up, the residents stayed and helped them. He says it’s great to see how the citizens of Marseilles come together in a time of need.