Official Congressional pictures of Sen. Dick Durbin and Cong. Adam Kinzinger

Lawmakers believe gun control could happen

By WCMY News May 30, 2022 | 9:10 AM

Cong. Adam Kinzinger says Second Amendment supporters need to be part of the solution to the gun violence problem.

Kinzinger says the minimum age to buy a gun should be 21. He says he owns an AR-15, but he’s open to requiring a special license to own one or even not allowing them to be sold anymore.

Sen. Dick Durbin says there are bipartisan negotiations on gun control. He thinks there should be a red flag law to stop people who might be dangerous from having guns. And he wants to crack down on straw purchases, where someone who’s allowed to buy a gun gets one for someone who isn’t.

Both lawmakers were on CNN. Kinzinger also talked about it on ABC.