Jelani Day

Top Stories of 2021: Jelani Day

By WCMY News Dec 27, 2021 | 11:44 AM

Another top story of 2021 is the Jelani Day case. The missing Illinois State University student’s car was found near the Illinois Valley YMCA in August.

His body was found in the Illinois River a week and half later. Many believe that he was murdered. The Coroner’s office says he drowned.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow PUSH coalition held a march in the LaSalle-Peru area to support Day in October. Jackson spoke and prayed for Day.

Day’s mother Carmen Bolden-Day says that people need to come forward. She says that she needs answers.

Day was a member of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, like David High, who attended the march. They believe that Day was murdered.

Eileen Fresco of Ottawa drove in a caravan that took supporters around LaSalle and Peru with the Rainbow PUSH coalition.

Carmen Bolden-Day also said more at the March back in October. She says the information surronding his death doesn’t make sense.

The FBI is offering a $10,000 reward for information about Day’s death.