
Republicans “Rally for Representation”, say Cong. Kinzinger isn’t providing it

By WCMY News Jan 30, 2021 | 7:35 PM

Cong. Adam Kinzinger’s spokeswoman says he has had a good relationship with local Republicans and looks forward to building on it under a Democratic majority working through the pandemic. But Republicans who rallied at Ottawa’s Washington Park Saturday don’t feel that way.

Kinzinger voted to impeach Pres. Trump. LaSalle County Republican Party Chairman Larry Smith says things Kinzinger has said against Trump were inappropriate.

Some signs held by those in the crowd called Kinzinger a RINO–Republican in Name Only. Others professed the belief that Trump is the legitimate presidential election winner.

Earlier this week, Cong. Kinzinger’s spokeswoman Maura Gillespie provided this statement to WCMY about today’s event: The Congressman, along with his team, has enjoyed a long relationship with the local party leaders. Congressman Kinzinger looks forward to building on that solid foundation as they work together to navigate these next four years under a Democrat majority and through the course of this pandemic, keeping the focus on serving the community and the shared interests of the party.